Parent Pal Tip #334: Get Out!
March 17th, 2017
Can I be transparent just for a moment? Do you mind? I’m gonna make myself vulnerable to you, the reader, if just but for a moment.
Yesterday was an emotional day for me to say the least. Yep. I kinda fell into the “sunken place” of parenting.
Ok. So here’s the story.
I’m casually (and mindlessly) scrolling through my IG feed when I receive a notification. Someone tagged me in a post. The post was from a person I care deeply about. Someone who is very familiar with the Smith’s ADHD journey. The post was addressed to him from a staff member at his son’s school and it gushed of accolades and praise of his well-mannered son. It detailed their daily interaction and how he “lights up the day” with his good behavior. The post continued on to say how great his parents are to raise such a joy.
I too was overjoyed and a little teary eyed as I read the post because I could truly attest to everything the person was referring to. He was always a pleasure in my presence as well!
But then……….
I began to think of my situation. Would I ever receive such a post/text about my son? I mean, I am so used to getting emails and phone calls detailing the “poor decisions” he makes frequently that that could NEVER happen right?. I began to question my ability to parent effectively. Maybe I’m not good at this mommy thing afterall. Maybe if I was even more involved than I am now. Maybe if I made him work those extra ten minutes last night. Just maybe………
As I began to fall deeper and deeper into my negative thought tornado, I knew there was only one thing left to do; call my TSA agent.
**Note: If you haven’t seen the movie, you’re probably lost. No worries. Just stay with me. And GO SEE THE MOVIE! It’s a good one.**
After my TSA agent pulled me out of the sunken place, I received a revelation, and I would like to share it with you. BTW, this was the purpose of the whole post. LOL
God created one you. You were created for a purpose. Only you can fulfill the purpose assigned to you. When He chose you to parent your little one(s), he made no mistakes. Only you have EXACTLY what that little person needs because remember, you were created just for them, and they were created just for you.
The moral of the story is, don’t strive to be the world’s perfect parent. Just be exactly what your kids need you to be. Y-O-U.
And when you find yourself in that sunken place like I did, GET OUT! (shameless movie plug).
BWAHAHAHA!!!! I had to do it! I couldn’t resist. I really crack myself up sometimes.